CBD Facts

CBD facts archive

What exactly is a seasonal allergy and are there natural solutions to relieving this nettlesome issue? An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not typically harmful to your body. This is nothing to sneeze at as these foreign culprits are commonly known as allergens and they are all around us. […]

When to take CBD depends mainly on three factors: your purpose in taking it, the type of product, and the dosage. Once you understand how your body responds to CBD, you can plan your dosage amounts and the appropriate time to take it for the best effects. Understand Your Serving Size CBD can be beneficial […]

With so many touted benefits from CBD like pain relief or better sleep, it’s no wonder it’s becoming so popular. The short answer: CBD won’t get you high. Even though CBD comes from cannabis (the same plant species that brings us marijuana), CBD products contain little to no THC. Since it doesn’t have the same […]

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