Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a chemical extracted from hemp plants that don’t give you a high and can be used for pain relief. If you are experiencing a toothache that can even lead to a lack of sleep, try Blue Botanicals CBD oils, 100% Natural, organically grown Pure CBD with NO THC (0%).

CBD is known for its relief properties which may help you deal with toothaches. Reducing stress helps you deal with and give relief making it much easier.

A study about the effectiveness of CBD on rats with periodontitis[2] shows positive results as the rats that were given CBD showed less inflammation, pro-inflammatory cytokine production and fewer chances of gum disease, and better gum health.

Of course, no trials have been made on humans so we really can’t say for sure that the same case applies to us.

girl dropping cbd oil on tongueStart by choosing a high-quality CBD oil product for the most effective treatment. After that, apply Blue Botanicals CBD Oil directly to your tooth or swallow the product to start feeling relief*.

Just be sure to talk to your dentist before starting CBD and discuss long-term treatment too.

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