

What our customers are saying:



Blue Botanicals Pure CBD Oil has changed my life. It has helped me more than I could ever had imagined with my anxiety, insomnia, and inflammation. The oil is amazing & helps in numerous areas. I noticed slight positive changes in the first week of using my oil but after using it for a month and having to stop for a few days, i was shocked at the difference with my anxiety, insomnia, and inflammation. Check them out! Great customer service too, which we all know is rate these days!

Robin Twing

"Caly is a rescue girl and deals with fear and separation anxiety. She also has a sensitive tummy and she is very very active. Exactly like her mummy, just like her mummy CBD Oil is the best treatment for ALL of these issues, without being harsh on her body. Who doesn't love natural treatments that work!" Thank you for making great products that help doggies like me! Keep changing lives one day at a time.


I'm taking 500mg and getting some relief.. Just started a couple of days ago.. I was shocked that when I woke up this morning I could actually feel my left leg.. that's huge for me...

Nancy Corchia-Gutowski

I can't even to begin to tell you how this oil has been a lifesaver for our English bulldog with seizures. Hes on a daily dose for maintenance and when he has a break through seizure he gets a dropperful in his mouth and witness the seizure stopped within a minute. I have recommended this company to all of my friends on bulldogs with seizures group. Stephanie has been awesome, she responds to your email quickly and my orders come within this product and company.


Mom is 86 years old and on 250mg Blue Botanicals 1/2 dropper 2 x day. After 3 days noticed better balance and less trimmers from Parkinson's, she can now hold a coffee cup and fork without shaking. Arthritis is better in her hands, one has no pain and the other hand much improved. I added handrails in the hallway for her to walk down, not using her walker anymore. I also started taking it myself and my arthritis is better and I'm sleeping like a baby, i used to take Xanax and don't need anymore. I'm sold, its a miracle drug!


My dad had a stroke and wasn't able to walk without a walker and assistance, after 3 days of being on the oil, dad walked into the kitchen all by himself and didn't even realize it, "dad are you ok?", "yes why?", "You just walked into the kitchen by yourself", he about fell over because he didn't even realize he had done that, he also said "I have no pain"! He is is using 5oomg, takes one dropper in the morning and one dropper at night.


My mom started taking it 2 weeks ago for her rheumatoid arthritis after talking with her Dr. She said yesterday was the first day in weeks she hasn't cried from pain in her hands.


I took it not knowing what i was trying to cure. Let my body do its thing and listened. Not knowing its potantial. I had a patient “confide” to me that she was taking CBD prescribed for her by her natura pathic doctor to inrease focus so she could study for her law exams. I feel like a real live guinea pig. I feel sharper, more chatty and my focus is improving daily. She said its been working for her too. Said her Dr told her to swish it 30 seconds then swallow it. I feel more able to put my thoughts together in a consise, thought out, educated sounding manner.

Tammy - Healthcare worker


I am a type 2 diabetic. After using one bottle of Blue Botanicals and no change in my diet, my A-1C dropped from 7.5 to 6.4 in three months, that is a miraculous drop and both my doctor and I were shocked. I don't know if Blue had anything to do with it, but you can bet I'm going to keep on taking it!

Neil Campbell

I've always been one to have either anxiety or depression my whole life. After the birth of my second baby, I ended up going on an anti-depressant/ anti-anxiety med which really was good for a short period, but then made matters worst. Weaning off of that stuff is a nightmare and I'm so glad I'm no longer on it! Fast forward to August 2017... I had heard so much about CBD and all its positive benefits, thought I would give it a go. I tried 4-5 other CBDs before I came across Blue Botanicals. It tastes great and the sublingual I have found, to work better than any pill or topical form. I can say I've been anxiety free for 5 months! & I've never felt more clear headed or positive about life. Thank you so much for giving me my life back! I can truly be present, in the moment, with my husband and kids and not have to worry about everything else. Complete life changer!

Danielle Tarjoman

I purchased CBD oil for my husband... in less then a month it has helped the ringing in his ears!! He will continue to use it twice a day! Thank you ❤️

Melinda Kropf
Leroy Parker

Blue Botanicals CBD is great, I've been using it for a while now and makes me feel amazing!

Mark Scotford - Consumer
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